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Portfolio Categories:

Creative Guild Kidlat Awards 2010 @ Boracay: Awards Night video editing
Kidlat Awards 2010 @ Boracay

Client: Kidlat Awards
Contact: upon request
Project: Creative Guild Kidlat Awards 2010 @ Boracay: Awards Night
Description: Part of an editing duo tasked with preparing the final video materials for the Awards Night presentation of finalists and winners. Sources consisted of video, audio, digital camera and print materials which were sequenced and authored into "auto-pause" DVDs.

"Palawan 2006" DVD Design, Authoring, & Editing
Palawan 2006 DVD disc thumbnail

Client: Personal
Project: Family video of 2006 trip to Palawan
Description: Apple Final Cut Pro was used to edit over nine hours of miniDV footage and thousands of photos. DVD Studio Pro was then used to author the DVD using custom motion menus and GPRM scripting. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator were used to design the logo.

Pat Page Turns 75
Pat Page Turns 75

Client: Navarro Family
Contact: upon request
Project: Happy 75th Birthday Video
Description: Edited old (and new), scanned photos for a video presented at Pat Page's 75th birthday celebration last August 26, 2006. View it on YouTube.

Pink Jumpsuit #1
Gigi skydive Pink Jumpsuit #1 thumbnail

Client: Gigi Auditor
Contact: upon request
Project: Q&D Edit of 2005 November 5-6 jumps
Description: Edited shots taken by the client using a Samsung SC-X105L Sports Camcorder. AVI MPEG-4 video clips at 704x480 encoded with DivX 4.1.2 from the camera's 1GB Memory Stick Pro were not readily Final Cut Pro friendly. Using the terminal and the "vi" utility, both instances of SEDG were replaced with DIVX for immediate QuickTime recognition. View it on YouTube.

Travel video DVD of Angkor, Cambodia
Angkor Travel DVD thumbnail

Client: Private
Contact: upon request
Project: Travel video DVD of Angkor, Cambodia for DVD playback
Description: Produced a conference AVP DVD featuring the rich architecture in Angkor, Cambodia. Apple Motion™, Adobe Photoshop™ and Final Cut Pro™ were used in production; while DVD Studio Pro™ for the final DVD authoring. QuickTime .mov as well as Windows .wmv and .avi files were made available on the DVD disc's data portion for additional playback options.

Multi-Node Quicktime VR Panoramic movie
Multi-Node QuickTime VR thumbnail

Client: Personal
Contact: Donato R. Vytiaco
Project: Multi-Node Quicktime VR Panorama
Description: Four different QuickTime VR movies each taken from a different location are linked together into a multi-node QuickTime VR movie.

Christmas 2004 NTSC Video Production
Rustan's Christmas 2004 DVD video

Client: Rustan Commercial Corporation
Contact: Visual Merchandising Division
Project: Christmas 2004 NTSC DVD
Description: Directed, shot, animated, edited, and authored a two-part in-store video. Backgrounds were generated in Apple Motion™, Adobe Photoshop™ and Adobe After Effects™ for retouching and animation. Final editing was done in Final Cut Pro™ and DVD authoring with DVD Studio Pro™. View it on YouTube.

3-Part Fashion Show Event Video
Rustan's Fashion Show Event Video

Client: MO Style
Contact: Ovvian Castrillo
Project: Rustan's Father's Day Fashion Show event video
Description: Produced a menu-driven DVD comprised of three sections as per event organizer's requirements.
Adobe After Effects™, Adobe Photoshop™ and Final Cut Pro™ were used in production; while DVD Studio Pro™ for the final DVD authoring. Basic DVD programming pre-selected default menu buttons to facilitate operation during the live event.

Event AVP Production for DVD playback
California Pizza Kitchen Event DVD Client: MO Style
Contact: Ovvian Castrillo
Project: CPK "Think out of the Box" event video
Description: Produced two versions of an event AVP launching California Pizza Kitchen's new menu, billboards, bus decals, VIP card, and tie-up with Pepsi. Adobe After Effects™, Adobe Photoshop™ and Final Cut Pro™ were used in production; while DVD Studio Pro™ for the final DVD authoring. Basic DVD programming pre-selected default menu buttons to facilitate operation during the live event. View it on YouTube.
DVD Standards Conversion & Re-authoring
muchacha DVD Standards Conversion & DVD reauthoring Client: muchacha c/o Rustan's
Contact: Visual Merchandising Division
Project: DVD Standards Conversion & Re-authoring
Description: Converted the PAL DVD's VOBs to NTSC using open source Unix tools, then used Final Cut Pro™ and Adobe Photoshop™ to create a new moving Main Menu for the NTSC DVD. A "loop" menu item was added, as per client's request, which alternated between the video materials by using Story and Chapter Markers in DVD Studio Pro™.
Summer 2004 NTSC Video Production
Rustan's Summer 2004 DVD video Client: Rustan Commercial Corporation
Contact: Visual Merchandising Division
Project: Summer 2004 NTSC DVD Videos
Description: Directed, shot, animated, composited, edited, and authored a 5-minute in-store video DVD (along with 4 variants) using After Effects™ and Final Cut Pro™ - incorporating video and digital still photography. Adobe Photoshop™ was used for retouching and creating mattes, Adobe After Effects™ for pseudo-3D animation and DVD Studio Pro™ for a menu-driven DVD. View it on YouTube.
Commercial DVD Authoring
Light, Love, Life DVD video production Client: A-Films
Contact: Albert Medina
Project: "Light, Love, Life" NTSC DVD
Description: Currently in production.
Christmas 2003 NTSC Video Production
Rustan's Christmas 2003 DVD video production Client: Rustan Commercial Corporation
Contact: Visual Merchandising Division
Project: Christmas 2003 NTSC DVD
Description: Directed, shot, edited, and authored two 4-minute in-store videos using Final Cut Pro™ incorporating video, stills, scanned, eps, tiff and downloaded media. Adobe Photoshop™ was used for retouching and creating mattes, and DVD Studio Pro™ for a menu-driven DVD. Using a single video and three audio tracks multiplexed into a single MPEG-2 stream for the first track, different playback options were made possible - all through DVD scripting using only two GPRM variables. Timing adjustments for the remixed soundtracks were done in Final Cut Pro™.
DVD Demo Reel
Holy Cow DVD Demo Reel Client: Holy Cow Animation
Contact: Marlyn Montano
Project: NTSC DVD Demo Reel
Description: Authored a multi-menu DVD using DVD Studio Pro™ incorporating basic DVD programming for keeping track of accessed menus. Adobe Photoshop™ was used for menu layering and Final Cut Pro™ for creating moving menu backgrounds. Subtle changes were made to the basic audio track for the different menus using Soundtrack™.
BMW Films compilation to DVD
BMW Online Films DVD Compilation

Client: Personal
Contact: Donato R. Vytiaco
Project: Compilation of short films from bmwfilms.com
Description: Final Cut Pro™ was used to edit and composite a short movie for the DVD's main menu using clips from BMW's short films downloaded from the Internet. DVD menu layers were done in Adobe Photoshop™ incorporating elements from the bmwfilms.com web site for authenticity. DVD Studio Pro™ was used to master the DVD, incorporating a clickable link to the author's web site.

QTVR project
QTVR of my residence

Client: Personal
Contact: Donato R. Vytiaco
Project: QTVR movie of my residence
Description: Utilizing twenty pictures per node, a two-node Quicktime VR movie of the ground floor of my residence covering the living room and the kitchen was done as an exercise in QTVR authoring.

Toon City Demo Reel on DVD
ToonCity Animation DVD Demo Reel

Client: Toon City Animation, Inc.
Contact: Wayne Smith
Project: Demo Reel
Description: A mini-DVD of a five-minute demo reel was authored using DVD Studio Pro™ while editing was performed entirely in Final Cut Pro™. Materials were compiled from a variety of sources, most of which were VHS tapes, which required color-correction and enhancement in FCP. Logos and captions were done in Adobe Photoshop™, and audio editing and sweetening were done also in FCP. DVD packaging and labeling were done in Adobe Photoshop™. The editing system consisted of a Quicksilver Power Mac G4 equipped with Pinnacle's CineWave™, a video router, and a DV video converter - which I also designed and set up.



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