iPhone-optimized Mobile web site version
Project: iPhone-optimized mobile web site for donvy.com
Description: Using the iWebKit framework, created a mobile version of donvy.com suitably formatted for the Apple iPhone. The Résumé page was completely redone, and a feed/blog viewer added for the latest posts on my Facebook profile. The Portfolios page is still a menu, while the contents of these pages await conversion to RSS and appropriate pages created for their contents. iPhone Home Page icon and opening screen are included. |
Non-Flash SEO web site design, animation javascript programming, domain registration, email configuration, and technical support
Client: www.ovvian.com
Contact: Ovvian Castrillo
Project: Non-Flash SEO web site design, animation javascript programming, domain registration, email configuration, and technical support
Description: Ovvian Castrillo is a designer and artist who has been sculpting commissioned work since 2002. Her abstract expressionism is characterized with a freshness of themes using highly industrial materials such as bronze, brass, resins and steel. This practice results in a variety of artistic effects, ranging from elegant to rugged, while maintaining a consistency in fluidity, sense and balance. |
Web site design, Flash animation, domain registration, hosting, email configuration, and technical support
Client: brewproductions.com
Contact: Brew Productions
Project: Web site design, domain registration, hosting, email configuration, and technical support
Description: Design compres, retouching and tests were done using Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Fireworks and housed in a subdomain while domain name registration and hosting details were arranged. Final animations utilized Apple LiveType-generated materials and Macromedia Flash. Graphic elements were optimized in Macromedia Fireworks and laid out in Macromedia Dreamweaver incorporating CSS2 styles and ensuring accessibility. A CGI-based feedback form is part of the site, as well as both internal and external visitor tracking and logging. Video materials were reencoded for web delivery into H.264, QuickTime, iPod and Flash formats and delivered through RSS via the iTunes Music Store. |
Wireless Network Design for a Design Studio
Client: Private
Contact: upon request
Project: System
design, configuration, and installation
of wireless connectivity solutions
Description: to follow
Web Site Update
Client: Private
Contact: upon request
Project: Update of a web site hosted on Yahoo servers
Description: to follow |
Database-driven Web Site Development
Client: Private
Contact: upon request
Project: Redesign of a client's outdated web site
Description: to follow |
Storage Area Network Design for Post Production
Client: Private
Contact: upon request
Project: System
design, configuration, and installation
of a client's setup using Storage Area Network technologies
Description: to follow |
Karacter Animation Final Cut Pro & CineWave NLE System
Client: Karacter Animation
Contact: Jesthela Lizardo
Project: System
design, configuration, installation
and maintenance of Karacter Animation's Final Cut Pro Non-Linear Editing System using Pinnacle's CineWave
Description: to follow |
Toon City Animation
Digital Ink & Paint Production System
Client: Toon
City Animation, Inc.
Contact: Wayne Smith
Project: Systems and network
design, configuration, upgrade, installation
and maintenance of Toon City Animation's
Digital Ink & Paint Production System
Description: Upgraded
Toon City Digital to an SGI
Dual-Origin 200 server-based
heterogenous network with over
fifty production SGI IRIX,
Windows NT, Windows 2000 and
Macintosh workstations, twenty
render farm stations, a total
RAID5 online storage of over
two terabytes; employing Gigabit
Ethernet, Fibre Channel and
Wireless 802.11b technologies.
Primarily running USAnimation
Digital Ink & Paint software,
developed scripts and utilities
in Unix ksh, csh and Tcl/Tk
for automating the backup of
both data and final animation
frames to tape for shipment
to Disney, as well as generating
regular system activity reports
based on server maintenance
log files. Developed an Excel-based
production tracking system
for both internal and billing
purposes using Visual Basic
for Applications - used by
the traditional animation department
for monitoring each show's
progress through the different
stages in animation production. |
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